The Prisoner Ombudsman investigates complaints from prisoners that are held in Northern Ireland who remain unhappy with how their complaint has been responded to by the Prison Service. In certain circumstances, a complaint by those released can also be investigated by the Prisoner Ombudsman.
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Since February 2010, visitors to prisoners in Northern Ireland have been able to refer their complaints or concerns to the Prisoner Ombudsman, if they have been unable to resolve the complaint or concern through the local Visits Manager of the Prison Service.
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The Prisoner Ombudsman investigates all deaths in Prison Service custody in Northern Ireland. In addition, the Ombudsman has discretion to investigate incidents of serious self-harm or deaths which occur after the individual was released from custody, to examine if any factors related to their time in custody may have contributed to their self-harm or death.
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The Prisoner Ombudsman may also be able to advise how a problem may be resolved or a concern addressed. Simply contact the office and any of our staff will assist.
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